Travel & Tourism NCFE Certificate Level 3


Course Details

Code: PTOUCB00099

Course Summary

The course provides learners with the potential opportunity to progress to employment, or progress within employment in a wide range of job roles across the travel and tourism sector, for example posts in a wide range of organisations including accommodation providers, retail travel, business travel, or transport providers such as airlines.
The course will provide opportunities for the development of transferable skills related to study and vocational application that provide a platform for success both within travel and tourism and elsewhere.

The Travel and Tourism sector continues to grow at a rapid pace, with the amount of travel undertaken by individuals for both leisure and business purposes continuing to increase. An expansion in the short-break
market has led to a growth of regional airports in the UK and across Europe and a rise in the number of new hospitality enterprises including health spas and boutique hotels. This rapid expansion has led to huge demand for a more flexibly skilled workforce.
Specific skills for Travel and Tourism include customer service skills, destination geography, knowledge of working with children, and business skills.
The course is structured to encourage the acquisition and development of these competencies prior to, or while in, employment in the travel and tourism sector.

The qualifications aim is to:
Provide learners with knowledge and an understanding of the principles of the travel and tourism industry and allows them to explore the various avenues of work within this industry.
Allow learners to gain transferable skills that can be applied to the workplace or further study.

Level 3 qualifications have been developed in the Travel and Tourism sector to provide education and training for travel and tourism employees. Provide full-time learners the opportunity to enter employment in the travel and tourism sector or to progress to vocational qualifications such as the Edexcel BTEC Higher Nationals in Travel and Tourism.
Give learners the opportunity to develop a range of skills and techniques, personal skills and attributes essential for successful performance in working life.

Course Content

The course consists of the following 3 graded mandatory units:

• Unit 01 The UK Travel and Tourism Industry
• Unit 02 Customer service in Travel and Tourism
• Unit 03 Preparing for a Career in Travel and Tourism

... and the following 6 graded optional units: (subject to change)

• Unit 04 Travel and Tourism Destinations
• Unit 05 UK Visitor Attractions
• Unit 06 Hospitality in Travel and Tourism
• Unit 09 Travel Agency Operations
• Unit 12 UK Passenger Transport Industry
• Unit 13 Resort Representative Roles and Responsibilities

In addition, you will study Level 2 Certificate in Introduction to Cabin Crew.

Course Assessment

You are assessed by a variety of methods including case studies, class-based assignments, constrained assessments, projects, practicals and presentations. Each unit is graded at a Pass, Merit or Distinction.


Stationery: one large A4 ring binder, one A4 course file, plastic wallets and dividers, pens, pencils, eraser, ruler, plain/ lined paper and a USB stick.

The Tourism department prides itself on its reputation and professionalism in the area. This is evident in the way our students look around the college and, more importantly, whilst representing Dudley College at internal/external events and during work placements.

There is a dress code of black trousers and blazer, white shirt, plain black footwear which should be purchased independently. A tie/scarf and badge must be purchased at induction (approx. cost £25).


NCFE Level 3 Introductory Diploma in Travel and Tourism
NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Introduction to Cabin Crew


In order to progress onto the 2nd year course NCFE Diploma in Travel & Tourism Level 3, learner must achieve a pass grade in all first year unit, demonstrated excellent attendance (above 90%, college average) and have shown a positive attitude towards your studies throughout the year.

Upon completion of the two-year programme you can progress onto Foundation degrees, HNC/D or degree in travel and tourism or related subject.

Career options: Resort representative, retail travel consultant, consultant service, tourist information office, business travel consultant, air cabin crew, theme park operations, cruise liner, tour operations.

Entry Requirements

You should have 5 GCSEs at grade 4 or above (to include English and Maths); a Level 2 qualification at a minimal grade of a Merit; achieved all qualifications on Level 2 course; or relevant work experience. You will be required to attend an interview with the tutor.

Code: PTOUCB00099

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