How are we Performing?
Dudley College of Technology prides itself on the level of service it offers to students, parents, employers and the wider community.
Whatever your views on our performance, we want to hear what you have to say.
If you have a complaint, a compliment or a suggestion please complete a ‘How are we performing?’ form and return it for the attention of the Standards and Assurance Coordinator at Dudley College of Technology, The Broadway, Dudley, West Midlands, DY1 4AS.
Printed copies of the form are available from the reception of any of our locations.
View our ‘How are we performing?’ procedure document for more information.
If you require any help to complete this form please contact Learner Services who will be happy to assist you.
How your complaint will be handled:
All complaints will be investigated as fairly and fully as possible. We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days of receipt of the complaint.
We will endeavour to respond fully to your satisfaction with 10 working days. If a full response is not possible within the time, you will be told how your complaint is being handled.
Every effort will be made to put right the situation leading to the complaint in accordance with our compliments, complaints and suggestions procedure.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint you should write directly to the Chief Executive and Principal or if your complaint is against the Chief Executive and Principal, Director of Corporate Governance or a governor, to the Chair of the Corporation. If the complaint is regarding the Chair of the Corporation, this should be submitted to the Chair of the Audit Committee.
You also have the right to complain to the Education and Skills Funding Agency or the Secretary of State for Education.
Should a complaint still be unresolved concerning the quality of education provided by the college, then you can refer to:
a) In respect of further education provision contact:
Customer Services Team, Education and Skills Funding Agency,
Cheylesmore House,
Quinto Road,
or by email to
For a copy of the agency’s procedure on investigating complaints about providers, please refer to
b) In respect of higher education provision:
The Quality Assurance Agency will only handle complaints if it is a systematic issue against providers. The aim of an investigation by the QAA under the Concerns Scheme is to safeguard and improve the overall quality of UK higher education by addressing weaknesses within a particular higher education provider. For details of the agency’s procedure on raising concerns about providers, please refer to any higher education awarding body the learner can appeal to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) at
c) In respect of courses accredited by Pearson please refer to
or write to
Customer Services (Complaints and Feedback) Pearson,
190 High Holborn,