
Adult Enrolment Events

Monday 2nd September - Saturday 7th September

Adult Enrolment Events
What our Students Say

Iqra Shuja, aged 33, GCSE English grade 6


“I want to work as a teaching assistant so I needed to get my GCSE English and I’m so proud of my grade 6.

“English is my second language and this was my first experience of a UK college. I’ve been very happy here and I’ve learned a lot.”

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What our Students Say

Gulnihar Ahan, aged 31, GCSE English grade 5


“I didn’t have the opportunity of education when I was younger so I wanted to come to college and get a qualification as it’s never too late to learn.

“I’m half way through my TA qualification at Dudley College and have just passed my GCSE English with a grade 5 – I’m so...

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