Full Time Learners Aged 16-18 Years – Achievement (2023-24 Year-End)
Outcomes for Learners
Achievement rate – all programmes excluding English & Mathematics

2023/24 saw a 2.4% increase in achievement of 16 to 18-year-olds on their technical and vocational programmes putting our leaners in line with national rates.
We continued to increase the number of learners studying T Level qualifications. 96.7% of learners who complete their studies pass their T Level.
Achievement rate – level 1

Achievement rate – level 2

Achievement rate – level 3

Level 1 achievement rate continues to improve and is now 85.5% which is a marginal increase of +3.8% compared to 2022/23 and is very close to national rates.
Level 2 achievement rate have seen an increase in 2023/24 of +2.8% and is now in line with the national levels of 2022/23 at 83%.
Level 3 achievement rate is 84.9% which is an increase of +1.5% and now exceeds current published national rates of 83%.
GCSE retake results – three year trend

The data does not reflect learners who did not achieve or did not attend.
The number of learners retaking English and maths GCSE examinations, increased substantiality in 2023/24, with maths retakes seeing the highest increase in number by over 50%. This meant that more learners improved their GCSE grade; 211 learners improved their English grade and 164 their maths grade.
We also increased the number of learners achieving a grade 4 or above in both GCSE English (184) and maths (115).
Functional skills SfL achievement rate – all levels

The achievement rates for young people, studying Functional Skills English and mathematics qualifications continues to improve in 23/24 (+2.1%). Overall performance is very strong and above national rates by 14.7%.