Full Time and Part Time Adult Skills Learners – Enrolments (Updated In-Year)
Enrolment onto adult education programmes in 2024-25 academic has got off to a very strong start with a significant increase on the previous year. Working in partnership with the West Midlands Combined Authority we have introduced new fully funded programmes to allow adults to retrain into priority sectors which we expect will see a further rise in adult participation. We are also very proud to run a number of programmes in partnership with local employers aimed at supporting adults directly into work. As well as new technical programmes in response to the Local Skills Improvement Plan.
Full Time and Part Time Adult Skills Learners – Enrolments (2023-24 Year-End)
Engagement and participation rates
Learner engagement trend analysis

We maintained strong recruitment onto adult programmes which remains above pre-pandemic numbers.
Travel to Learn Map

The map shows the travel to learn pattern of our adult learners in 2023/24. 99% of our adults are from Dudley or the neighbouring borough. There is an increasing number of adult learners looking to remain in Dudley to study rather than travel elsewhere.