Our Progress To-date
As a college we have embraced our commitment to drive environmental responsibility in our key messages to staff, students and stakeholders in the following ways:
At our whole college staff development conference at the start of the 23/24 academic year – the theme was our Environment. Guest speakers delivered a range of workshops covering topics such as “How to teach green – in non -STEM curriculum” and “How the FE sector can meet the climate challenge.”
All students are made aware of our Sustainable Commitment as part of their induction to college life. Messaging is shared across internal channels including wall posters, social media and intranet/Sharepoint sites.
As a college we Promote Earth Day and encourage students in their own teaching areas to embrace the annual theme.
At our annual student awards ceremony: “Celebrating Success” a student who has embraced this agenda in their own work or through advocacy to other students, is awarded the Special Student Award for Sustainability.
Our Student Union recruit a number of “Eco Warriors”. These students act as champions for green issues to other students. They advocate on behalf of students in our Learner Voice meetings- driving commitment to these issues.
The college has sought a number of supportive partnerships with a range of stakeholders including Association of Colleges (AoC) as a member of the Sustainability & Climate Change Reference Group, West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) and West Midlands Colleges Net Zero Group. Through these meetings we have shared good practice and collectively lobbied DfE and other national, regional government bodies for intervention on this agenda, including requesting funding to make our campuses “greener”.
Our future actions
The appointment of a dedicated Environmental Manager (starting August 2024) will grow the depth of understanding on these issues across the organisation and contribute to promotion and parentship development.