Media, Broadcast and Production, Content Creation and Production T Level Level 3


Course Details

Code: PMEDCB00143

  • Location: Inspired

Course Summary

T Levels are new two-year, technical study programmes that will be available across 11 industry routes. Alongside apprenticeships and A levels, T Levels will be one of the three major options available to students aged 16 – 19.

The T Level Creative and Design, Media, Broadcast and Production is offered in the Content Creation and Production pathway and includes work placement and examinations.

Course Content

The T Level will help students develop an understanding of a broad range of issues relevant to the sector, including:

• The creative economy
• The individual in the creative industries
• Cultural context and vocabulary
• Audience and consumer needs
• Legal and regulatory requirements
• Professional standards and conduct in the workplace
• Equality, diversity and inclusion requirements
• Research skills
• Project methodology and administration
• Continued professional development
• Content creation and production.

Course Assessment

Learners will be assessed on the core knowledge and understanding through an examination and core skills through a practical employer-set project. The core knowledge and understanding focuses on the students’ knowledge and understanding of contexts, concepts, theories and principles relevant to media. This could include, where appropriate, assessment of knowledge and understanding relevant to Content Creation and Production. The employer-set project provides the opportunity to develop and apply a minimum range of core skills important for employability.

Employer Benefits

T Level panels of experts set out the knowledge and skills required for each T Level, based on the same occupational standards as apprenticeships. This ensures that individuals taking T Levels can develop the technical knowledge and skills required by employers in that industry. Each T level requires a work placement for 315 hours or 45 days in a relevant subject specific setting providing learners with real life experience in their chosen field.


You will need to have storage of your digital work and we would recommend a solid state external hard drive. You will need general learning materials such as pens and paper. You will need to dress appropriately for your work placement and follow any dress code given by the employer to be professional and represent yourself and the college.


Upon completion of all aspects of the course, including examinations and the full work placement hours you will be awarded with a Level 3 T Level in Creative and Design, Media, Broadcast and Production, Content Creation and Production.


Learners have choices including University level qualifications, employment and apprenticeships depending on their future career needs. Learners will be guided through progression processes and supported in CV writing and applications for UCAS, apprenticeships and employment. Some learners may wish to investigate setting up their own media business or progress on to courses within the college at level 4.

Entry Requirements

5 GCSEs grade 4 or above. Learners on this T Level will have already achieved their Maths and English at grade 4 as a minimum and have a prior qualification, experience and / or a portfolio of creative media work.

Code: PMEDCB00143

  • Location: Inspired
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