Sport & Physical Activity (Sports Coaching) NCFE Certificate Level 3


Course Details

Code: PSPTCB00206

Course Summary

The qualifications are designed to give learners the skills, knowledge and understanding of the sport and
physical activity sector. These qualifications will act as a stepping stone to a range of occupations often
through the route of higher education. The NCFE Level 3 Diploma (720) in Sport and Physical Activity is designed as part of a 2 year
programme, usually in combination with other qualifications to support the aspirations of the learner. This
qualification will also support learners who want to progress into higher education, ultimately leading the
learner into employment.

Course Content

To be awarded the NCFE Level 3 Diploma (720) in Sport and Physical Activity (Sports Coaching),
learners are required to successfully complete 3 mandatory units and 9 optional units.
The mandatory units are; exercise, health and lifestyle, preparing for a career in sport and physical activity and sports coaching.
Some of the optional units are; technical and tactical skills in sport, psychology for sports performance, fitness training and programming, sports injuries, sports massage, applied strength and conditioning, business in sport and sports nutrition.

Course Assessment

All units will be assessed and graded with a pass, merit or distinction.
Learners are assessed by a variety of methods including case studies, class based assignments, and time constrained assessments, projects, practical’s and presentations.

Learners have to produce an electronic portfolio of coursework that demonstrates all outcomes have been met.

Final grading will be the result of careful monitoring and consultation with an external verifier.

All assignments must be handed in at the specified time, unless an extension has been granted. Proof of the reason will be required. You will word process all assignments and follow course guidelines.


General stationery and a USB pen need to be provided by the learner. As a sports department, we pride ourselves on our reputation and professionalism in the area. This is evident in the way our students look around the college and, more importantly, whilst representing Dudley College at sports events and during work placements.

We have put a dress code package together at a cost of approximately £100 based on the needs of students for their course, Team Sports training and work experience.

You will need to pre-order the package during enrolment.
Please note: Prices are subject to change.


NCFE L3 Diploma in Sport and Physical Activity.


The NCFE L3 diploma in sport and physical activity is a two-year course that is equivalent to two A-levels. When you have finished the course you can use it to:
Get a job – or a better job if you are already working.
To continue onto a further sports specific training course.
Progress alongside other qualifications to go onto higher education.
Progression onto HNC/HND courses.

This course could open up possible career choices from the areas of – Teaching and Education, Health Sciences, Sports Coaching, Personal Training, Sports Management, Sports Journalism and many more.
The qualification will attract UCAS tariff points and is
recognised by higher-education providers as meeting entry requirements for many related courses.
Learners can progress from this qualification to higher-education degree programmes, such as a
BA (Hons) in Health and Fitness and a BSc (Hons) in Diet, Fitness and Wellbeing.

Entry Requirements

You should have the following qualifications:

5 GCSEs at grade 4 or above to include English or maths.

An interest and active participation in sports and fitness is essential and you will need a positive reference from an existing college tutor/school report.

Code: PSPTCB00206

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