Art & Design Skills BTEC Diploma Level 2


Course Details

Code: PCASCB00202

  • Location: Dudley Evolve

Course Summary

The Level 2 Diploma in Art and Design Skills is an exciting course to providing skills and opportunities to explore a variety of practical materials and processes. Learning about artists, designers and crafts people and developing research skills are integral to support practical based work.

Course Content

You will be working on creative and challenging project briefs that will encourage you to produce practical and innovative art and design work. Our expert tutors will encourage you to explore different ways of working and will help develop your creative ability through practical workshops and studio sessions. The course will help you to define your individual pathway through exploring the work of other artists and evaluating your own work to identify strengths and weaknesses. Towards the end of the course you will have the opportunity to display your work in a public exhibition.

In addition to the practical work in the studio you will go on trips and visits that directly relate to the projects you will be doing. Alongside your creative skills you will also develop skills in English and Maths.

Course Assessment

Assessment of project work will take place regularly throughout the course. You will complete a final major project that takes place towards the end of the course.

Work is assessed by course staff throughout the year. However, as well as the actual work made, key opportunities for staff to assess your progress will be made through:

• Group tutorials
• Group discussions and presentations
• Annotated sketch books
• Written work


There are a number of essential items needed for this course. A tailored starter pack is available to purchase from the college (this will contain essential equipment). Letters are issued at enrolment which include details of content and costs.
There is an expectation that learners take part in educational visits tailored to their programme of study. The costs for these vary and can be compulsory.


BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Art & Design


With this qualification you can apply for a Level 3 Diploma in Art and Design, Production Arts, Fashion and Textiles, Graphics, Games Design, Photography, Apprenticeships or look for employment.

Entry Requirements

You should have achieved 4 GCSEs at grade D/3 (including English language). You must bring a portfolio of your work to the interview in order to assess your suitability for the course.

Code: PCASCB00202

  • Location: Dudley Evolve
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