Full Time Learners Aged 16-18 Years – Diversity (2022-23 Year-End)
Impact on Diversity and Inclusion


Learning difficulty or disability

For learners aged 16-18, there continued to be more male learners in 2022/23 than female, however both groups achieved at very similar rates. We continue to support a diverse cohort of learners with the 16-18 ethnicity profile showing our learners as a group are more diverse that the local population. 32.1% of our learner are from minority groups who make up 11.9% of the local population. Learners of Asian ethnicity continue to succeed above the college average +3.4% as do learners of black ethnicity +5.3%. Learners of mixed heritage ethnicity learners continue to achieve below the college average although the gap has reduced from – 8.3% to –2.9%. The college is working with College’s West Midlands Racial Equality Group who have a work stream focused on closing the achievement gap for this group.
1,072 (23.1%) of the 16-18 learners we support have a learning difficulty or disability. This number has remained in line with 21/22 academic year. Learners with difficulties and disabilities achieve at a comparable rate to their peers on core programmes. Learners disclosing a Special Educational Needs Disability achieve at a slightly lower rate on maths and English qualifications. The college is reviewing its approach to maths and English for some of our learners with complex Special Educational Needs and Disabilities to support their progress in these subjects.