Full-Time A Level Learners Aged 16-18 Years – Diversity (2022-23 Year-End)
Impact on Diversity and Inclusion


Learning difficulty or disability

Dudley Sixth continues to support a very diverse student body. 2022/23 continued to see more female learners choose to study A levels than male learners. Males achieved at a marginally higher rate than females (+9.2%), which is in contrast to previous years. This is a result of a marginal drop in performance for females but a significant increase in male performance (going from 82.5% to 91.0%.).
The A Level ethnicity profile shows our learners are more diverse than the local community and in line with the previous year with 45.9% of our learners from minority groups who make up 11.9% of the local population. The upward trend in improvement in achievement for black learners has continued, and an enhanced focus on those learners who identified as ‘mixed’ has closed the gap in achievement we acknowledged in 21/22 with a big improvement for these learners.
Dudley Sixth supports a number of students with learning difficulties or disabilities through a wide range of support mechanisms, with the proportion of learners declaring a disability/learning difficulty remaining broadly the same, 2022/23 – 58 learners compared to 51 in 2020/21. Achievement rates of this group are slightly lower than their peers which will be a heightened focus for the college in the next year.