High Needs Learners – Achievement (2022-23 Year-End)
Achievement rates –
all programmes excluding English & mathematics
Overall achievement rate (all levels) compared to wider College

High needs achievement rate Level 1

High needs achievement rate Level 2

High needs achievement rate Level 3

Achievement rates for 22/23 show an overall increase of 3.6% for high needs learners compared to 21/22, with an increase in Level 1 by 4.9% and Level 2 by 2.6%. Level 3 decreased by 2.2%, which was mainly impacted by retention issues, due to ill health. Learners achieve and make good progress, which is seen by the increase in enrolments of high needs learners on Level 2 and 3 courses in 22/23.
GCSE & Functional skills English & mathematics achievement rate – all levels
Overall achievement rate (all levels) compared to wider College

In 22/23 the gap in English and maths achievement rates for those with high needs closed significantly compared to 21/22 results. Work will continue in 23/24 to ensure the English and maths programmes for learners receiving high needs funding meets their individual needs.