Course Summary
This qualification prepares learners who are looking towards a career in Glass work, this course is suitable for beginners as well as those wishing to improve existing skills in blowing glass from the furnace. This course does not lead to a formal qualification and therefore does not require additional paperwork or an exam. You will be taught a range of skills in hot glass and will build on these skills through your own personal approach to this fascinating material.
Course Content
This course includes the following content:
You will be taught glass blowing, kiln work (fusing and slumping) and cold working techniques.
You will be helped to develop your skills in the chosen pathway - Please note we have limited spaces for glass blowing and a rota may be in place for the use of the 'chairs' whilst other learners assist the process or do cold-working and or kiln work.
The course is very flexible and will allow you to progress at your own pace. The subjects offered may cover the following working areas.
Gathering hot glass Creating various different glass objects Design development- Fusing and slumping - Evaluating and commenting on own work - Marvering and other manipulative techniques- Creating Paper weights and simple blown forms- Using coloured rod, powders and grains, copper foil, wire and coloured shards.
Course Assessment
There are no formal assessment but you will have consistent feedback from your tutor.
Employer Benefits
Problem solving, creativity and enhancing glass making skills
All class-based materials will be provided within reason - extra payment may be required if learners require large volumes of specialist coloured glass or a bespoke colour/powder.
College Certificate in Glass
This course may lead to employment in the industry of Glass work or to further study/higher education. You could also progress onto a glass associateship depending on your level of skill.
Entry Requirements
For entry onto this course learners must have reasonable to good dexterity as the course is mainly practical and is suited to anyone who is of a practical nature. Due to the nature of the course health & safety guide lines must be observed including wearing appropriate footwear.
Due to limited spaces, priority will be given to first-time learners enrolling on this course.
Can I get help with fees?
Funding may be available to support your learning as an adult (aged 19+) studying at Dudley College. Check out the Financial Support guidance for more information.