Professor Paul Noon OBE

Professor Paul Noon OBE, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Enterprise and Innovation) for Coventry University was appointed to the Corporation from 1st January 2023.

Professor Noon leads Coventry University’s enterprise and innovation team on projects across the UK and internationally.  Professor Noon’s appointment at Coventry follows a distinguished career with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. His diplomatic service career largely focused on developing the economic prosperity of the UK and working closely with a range of businesses of all sizes. Before joining the University, Paul was Regional Director of UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) West Midlands, where his main role was to support local businesses to grow and develop their export markets, as well as attracting inward investment to the region. Paul is a champion of devolution, working collaboratively with the West Midlands Combined Authority and the Midlands Engine to drive growth and prosperity in the region.  He serves on the Corporation’s Standards Committee, Finance and Estates Committee, Remuneration Committee and Search Committee.

Jason Parker 

Jason was appointed as a member of the Corporation in February 2020. Jason is Managing Director of Thomas Dudley Limited, a group of local manufacturing businesses. He is a Chartered Management Accountant and also holds a MBA from Wolverhampton University. Jason is also a Director of the BMA (Bathroom Manufacturers Association). He serves on the Corporation’s Finance & Estates Committee and Remuneration Committee. 

Liz Sithole 

Liz was appointed as a member of the Corporation in November 2019. She is a Certified Chartered Accountant and currently works as a process change and integration consultant on projects within finance for various clients. She has a BSc in Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University. She is a fellow of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants, has previous experience in audit, corporate governance and financial control. She serves on the Corporation’s Audit Committee and also serves as Chair and Safeguarding, Child Protection, LAC and Prevent lead for a local primary academy.

Jack Stokes

Jack was appointed as a member of the Corporation in March 2022. He has served on Dudley Students’ Union Executive Committee as the LGBTQIA+ Officer during 2020-2021 and in the following academic year as the Vice President of Campaigns. These posts were held whilst studying for an Applied Science BTEC Level 3. Whilst in his time in office for Dudley SU Jack has achieved some significant achievements both in his personal and professional development. For his fundamental work in supporting the student LGBTQIA+ community, Jack was recognised at the National Queer Students Awards in the category of ‘College member’, and overall main accolade of “Queer Student of the Year 2021”. He is also the proud recipient of “Young Believer Award” presented at the Dudley Community Voluntary Service Kindness Awards. In 2022 Jack relaunched the membership organisation ‘Black Country Students’ Unions’ which aims to unite students across the region, he was later appointed The President. He serves on the Corporation’s Finance and Estates Committee.

Neil Thomas 

As Chief Executive & Principal, Neil is responsible for the development and delivery of outstanding provision for college apprentices, full time learners aged 16-18 years, full time A level learners aged 16-18 years, full time and part time adult education learners and higher skills learners. Working closely with colleagues, the Chief Executive & Principal will foster a culture of innovation in respect of teaching and learning and curriculum development in all curriculum areas. The Chief Executive & Principal will oversee the day to day operations of the Dudley learning quarter, the Brierley Hill learning quarter and University Park, Dudley. Working closely with the Chief Finance Officer, Vice Principals, Assistant Principals and managers across the college, the Chief Executive & Principal will lead on the development and implementation of cross college quality and business improvement strategies. Working alongside the Corporation and senior colleagues, the Chief Executive & Principal will play a pivotal role in the determination and oversight of the strategic development of Dudley College of Technology, its subsidiaries and associated organisations (including the Dudley Academies Trust). The Chief Executive & Principal will lead on developing and maintaining productive relationships with key stakeholders and will play a significant role in representing the college externally. The Chief Executive & Principal will provide inspirational leadership to the staff and students of Dudley College of Technology.  He serves on the Corporation’s Standards Committee, Search Committee and Finance & Estates Committee. 

Tom Westley 

Tom was appointed as a member of the Corporation in November 2017. Tom is Chairman of Westley Group Ltd (a foundry group of companies) and Chairman of Westley Plastics Ltd (a specialist nylon casting business). He graduated from Imperial College with a degree in Metallurgy and is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of The Institute of Cast Metals Engineers and a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. Tom sits on the board of the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership and is a board member of The Cast Metals Federation, which is the trade association for the UK foundry industry. Tom is a liveryman within The Worshipful Company of Founders and was Chairman of Castings Technology International Ltd (based on the Advanced Manufacturing Park at Rotherham) until its sale to the University of Sheffield in July 2013. He is also on the board of the West Midlands Combined Authority Growth Company Ltd and was recently appointed a Deputy Lieutenant of the West Midlands. He is a Trustee of Dudley Academies Trust. 

Sarah Wood

Sarah was appointed to the Corporation in November 2023. Sarah is Head of Cleaning and Waste Services for the University of Birmingham, having previously worked at Worcester City Council and Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council. She has extensive experience of working in collaboration with other individuals and teams to achieve the best for service users, residents and students. She is a member of the Executive Management of BACHE (British Association of Cleaning in Higher Education). Sarah serves on the Corporation’s Finance & Estates Committee.

Neil Thomas

As Chief Executive & Principal, Neil is responsible for the development and delivery of outstanding provision for college apprentices, full time learners aged 16-18 years, full time A level learners aged 16-18 years, full time and part time adult education learners and higher skills learners. Working closely with colleagues, the Chief Executive & Principal will foster a culture of innovation in respect of teaching and learning and curriculum development in all curriculum areas. The Chief Executive & Principal will oversee the day-to-day operations of the Dudley Learning Quarter, the Brierley Hill Learning Quarter and University Park, Dudley. Working closely with the Chief Finance Officer, Vice Principals, Assistant Principals and managers across the college, the Chief Executive & Principal will lead on the development and implementation of cross college quality and business improvement strategies. Working alongside the Corporation and senior colleagues, the Chief Executive & Principal will play a pivotal role in the determination and oversight of the strategic development of Dudley College of Technology, its subsidiaries, and associated organisations (including the Dudley Academies Trust). The Chief Executive & Principal will lead on developing and maintaining productive relationships with key stakeholders and will play a significant role in representing the college externally. The Chief Executive & Principal will provide inspirational leadership to the staff and students of Dudley College of Technology. He serves on the Corporation’s Standards Committee, Search Committee and Finance & Estates Committee. 

Louise Jones

The Chief Finance Officer (CFO) will support the Chief Executive and Principal and other senior post holders and the Corporation by developing and providing pro-active leadership on financial strategy and control and human, capital and physical resource development. The Chief Finance Officer will ensure the college’s financial objectives are achieved working across the college to drive financial and business excellence. The Chief Finance Officer will provide effective support to the Chief Executive and Principal in the control, review, management and development of the college’s business planning and risk management systems. The Chief Finance Officer will also manage the college’s Finance, Capital Projects & Estates and Information Technology teams to deliver a high-quality customer experience. This will include leading on all college financial, commercial and legal matters, embracing elements of employer partnerships and providing commercial finance advice and guidance into large-scale capital projects. Working alongside the Corporation, Chief Executive and Principal, Chief Officers and senior colleagues, the Chief Finance Officer will play a pivotal role in the determination and oversight of the strategic development of Dudley College of Technology, its subsidiaries and associated organisations. The Chief Operating Officer will support the Chief Executive and Principal in developing and maintaining productive relationships with all key stakeholders. 

Diana Martin

Working closely with the Chief Executive and Principal, the Vice Principal will ensure the development and delivery of outstanding provision for college apprentices, full time learners aged 16-18 years, full time A level learners aged 16-18 years, full time and part time adult education learners and higher skills learners. Working closely with the Chief Executive and Principal and management colleagues, the Vice Principal will foster a culture of innovation in respect of teaching and learning and curriculum development in all curriculum areas. The Vice Principal will support the Chief Executive and Principal in overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Dudley Learning Quarter and any other delivery centres for the provision detailed above. The Vice Principal will support the development and implementation of cross college quality and business improvement strategies. Working alongside senior colleagues, the Vice Principal will play a key role in the determination and oversight of the strategic development of Dudley College of Technology, its subsidiaries and associated organisations (including the Dudley Academies Trust). The Vice Principal will support the Chief Executive and Principal in developing and maintaining productive relationships with key stakeholders and will play a significant role in representing the college externally. Alongside the Chief Executive and Principal the Vice Principal will provide inspirational leadership to the staff and students of Dudley College of Technology.