High Needs Learners – Achievement (2023-24 Year-End)
Achievement rates –
all programmes excluding English & mathematics
Overall achievement rate (all levels) compared to wider College

High needs achievement rate Level 1

High needs achievement rate Level 2

High needs achievement rate Level 3

Achievement rates for 23/24 show a small percentage drop of 0.8% for high needs learners compared to 22/23, however, there is no significant difference with regards to their peers. Level 1 achievement has decreased by 3.9%, mainly impacted by retention of those with SEMH. There has been an increase in achievement at Level 2 of 5.7% and a significant increase of achievement at Level 3 of 14.8%.
GCSE & Functional skills English & mathematics achievement rate – all levels
16-18 GCSE grade improvement

16-18 Overall functional skills achievement rate – All Levels

In 2023/24 for GCSE English and maths the achievement rate has significantly increased for our high needs learners, by 26.2% in English and 21.9% in maths. The achievement rates in Functional Skills English and maths for those with high needs remained consistent with 2022/23 results and remains lower than their mainstream counterparts. This is due to learners in our discrete provision for those with more complex needs finding it difficult to sit exams. Work will continue in 2024/25 to ensure the English and maths programmes for learners accessing our discrete provision are tailored to meet their individual needs.