Kayleigh Edwards

GCSE English grade 6

My Dad was the inspiration for me to follow my dreams. He became ill last year and it made me realise that life is short and that there is no point in having a dream if you’re not going to work for them.

He passed away just before my exams so that was really tough, but with the encouragement of my tutor, I sat the exams and got a grade 6 which I’m so happy with.

I’ve been inspired by my tutor to pursue a career in creative writing but first I’m going to continue my studies at Dudley College and get my GCSE Maths and then progress to the Access to HE course so I can go to the University of Wolverhampton to study creative writing.

My tutor believed in me even when I doubted myself and that support really helped me.

If I can give any words of advice to someone considering returning to education as an adult, it would be to believe in yourself, follow your dreams, and if you want it, do it!