Professor Paul Noon OBE
Chair of the Corporation

Professor Paul Noon OBE, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Enterprise and Innovation) for Coventry University was appointed to the Corporation from 1st January 2023.
Professor Noon leads Coventry University’s enterprise and innovation team on projects across the UK and internationally. Professor Noon’s appointment at Coventry follows a distinguished career with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. His diplomatic service career largely focused on developing the economic prosperity of the UK and working closely with a range of businesses of all sizes. Before joining the University, Paul was Regional Director of UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) West Midlands, where his main role was to support local businesses to grow and develop their export markets, as well as attracting inward investment to the region. Paul is a champion of devolution, working collaboratively with the West Midlands Combined Authority and the Midlands Engine to drive growth and prosperity in the region. He serves on the Corporation’s Standards Committee, Finance and Estates Committee, Remuneration Committee and Search Committee.