Louise Jones
Chief Finance Officer

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The Chief Finance Officer (CFO) will support the Chief Executive and Principal and other senior post holders and the Corporation by developing and providing pro-active leadership on financial strategy and control and human, capital and physical resource development. The Chief Finance Officer will ensure the college’s financial objectives are achieved working across the college to drive financial and business excellence. The Chief Finance Officer will provide effective support to the Chief Executive and Principal in the control, review, management and development of the college’s business planning and risk management systems. The Chief Finance Officer will also manage the college’s Finance, Capital Projects & Estates and Information Technology teams to deliver a high-quality customer experience. This will include leading on all college financial, commercial and legal matters, embracing elements of employer partnerships and providing commercial finance advice and guidance into large-scale capital projects. Working alongside the Corporation, Chief Executive and Principal, Chief Officers and senior colleagues, the Chief Finance Officer will play a pivotal role in the determination and oversight of the strategic development of Dudley College of Technology, its subsidiaries and associated organisations. The Chief Operating Officer will support the Chief Executive and Principal in developing and maintaining productive relationships with all key stakeholders.