Staff and students gather donations to support the people of Ukraine


Members of our college community have come together to raise donations and show their support for the people of Ukraine. 

The Independent Living Group at Aspire Works, led by staff member Allison Parkes, appealed for students and staff to donate essential items such as toiletries, medical supplies and clothing. They sorted through the items and filled over 50 bags, which are in the process of being donated to local organisations and charities. Some of the essentials were given to Dudley Community Church, who recently sent them to Ukrainian refugees in Poland. 

Allison Parkes, Educational Support Assistant, said:

“We were all deeply affected by the crisis in Ukraine and felt inspired to take action and do something to help. We have been inundated with donations, thanks to the generosity of our college community.”

In addition, our students at Aspire have been learning about the Ukraine and how people have had to leave their homes and belongings behind to get to safety. They decided that they would like to help, so they donated their cooking money and went to Dudley to buy some toiletries, batteries and first aid essentials. All of their donations are being taken to a local church who will make sure they get to the people who need help.  

Well done to all of our staff and students, we couldn’t be prouder of your thoughtfulness and generosity. As a college, our thoughts are with all those who have been affected by the crisis in Ukraine. 

If you’re interested in showing your support, you can find out more about local and international appeals at the below link.
