Dudley College of Technology is proud to share our latest strategic plan 2024-27, detailing the next steps we will be taking in our continued journey to provide academic and technical education opportunities for our region.
For many years the College has worked with local stakeholders to develop a strategic plan that details the actions we will take in future years to continue to develop our curriculum, services, estate and the impact we have on our community. We are now pleased to share our latest plan, which is broken down into sections for each of the employment sectors that we serve, as well as important cross-college priorities that underpin our success. All of this is framed by the core aspirations of this plan, which are to place People, Innovation, Place and Sustainability, at the heart of everything we do. The plan articulates what drives us as an organisation, which in turn informs the actions we will take in every section of the plan. The new plan should also be read in conjunction with our new Estates Strategy (see below) which provides further detail of the investment and development of our buildings and facilities that will support the realisation of this Strategic Plan.
Strategic Plan 2024-27
Supporting Documents
Dudley College Accountability Statement
Dudley College Estates Strategy