Our People

Our People (2022-23 Year-End)

Staff Headcount

The staff headcount has reduced slightly from 794 to 777 on the previous year.

Staff Turnover

The college staff turnover remained at 13%. This remains well below the AoC average of 17.8%.

Staff Sickness Absence

The staff sickness absence level remained at 7 days, this remained impacted by absence due to Covid-19 which is still accounting for 10% of all of our sickness absence. Our sickness absence remains below the national average of 7.8 days.

Staff Diversity



A slight change on the previous year of 54% female and 46% male. But remains considerably more balanced than the AoC average of 36% male and 64% female.


The staff disability has increased by 2%.


Governing Body Diversity (February 2024)

The college’s Corporation (governing body) has 14% of governors from ethnic minority backgrounds. The age range of governors is not typical for the sector being younger than the norm with a relatively even distribution of governors across a number of the age categories and over half of members in the age range 45 – 64. The governing body currently has a higher proportion of male than female members and 7% have declared a disability.





In addition to the above published data, the Corporation collects information from its members on a range of characteristics to inform the board’s decision-making processes in relation to recruitment, with a focus on improving board diversity including diversity of thought.

For information on pay efficiency please see Financial Strength.

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