
Full Time Learners Aged 16-18 Years – Enrolments (Updated In-Year)

Enrolment on full time programmes has been very strong in 2024-25 academic year, with a significant increase compared to the previous year. This is the largest intake of 16-18 full time students in the College’s history. The quality of provision, high levels of learner satisfaction and the ongoing development of the Dudley and Brierley Hill Learning Quarters are factors in our continued high levels of recruitment. We have also seen considerable growth in our T-level programmes, now offered across 20 pathways.

Full Time Learners Aged 16-18 Years – Enrolments (2023-24 Year-End)

Engagement and participation rates

Learner engagement trend analysis

Bar chart showing learner engagement trend analysis

The numbers of 16- to 18-year-olds enrolled in 2023/24 increased by 8% to 4,877. Whilst an increase was evidenced at nearly all levels, the largest increase against the previous year, (16%), was seen in learners studying Level 2 programmes. Level 3 programmes continue to make up the highest proportion of learners at 52%. Continued high numbers of 16-18 learners confirms high levels of confidence in Dudley College of Technology and will continue to support the regional economy as well as our own financial health.

Travel to Learn Map

Heatmap showing travel to learn pattern for 16 to 18 learners

The map shows the travel to learn pattern of our learners in 2023/24. Most learners are from Dudley borough, as you would expect, with increasing numbers of learners looking to remain in Dudley to study rather than travel elsewhere. Our highly equipped estate across the Dudley and Brierley Hill Learning Quarters continues to transform the lives of young people aged 16-18 across the wider region.

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