Full Time Learners Aged 16-18 Years – Destinations (2023-24 Year-End)
Learner Destinations
All Levels

We successfully support the vast majority of our learners into positive destinations with 93.3% continuing in training, employment or higher education.
Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

91.1% of level 1 learners progressed into positive destinations.
91.4% of Level 2 learners progressed into positive destinations.
94.9% of Level 3 learners progressed into positive destinations.
The high rates of Level 1 and Level 2 learners continuing in education and training demonstrate the strength of our programmes in supporting young people to progress.
These courses develop technical skills, build confidence and enhance future career prospects. Seamless progression pathways support individual learners whilst positively contributing to the productivity of the local and regional economy.
Impact on Regional Skills and the Regional Economy
STEM in the curriculum – trend analysis

The local economy relies on a workforce with high level skills in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). The chart shows the percentage of qualifications completed by learners aged 16-18 years that were in STEM related subjects. In 2023/24, 3,120 (64%) of our young people followed STEM programmes of study which is a 3% increase on the previous year. The continued upward trend in numbers of our learners studying STEM, demonstrates our ongoing focus on ensuring we develop curriculum to meet the needs of these valuable sectors.
Progression to advanced level – trend analysis

As detailed in the graph, over half of all the college’s Level 2 learners progressed directly into Level 3 provision. Whilst this remains positive, there is a slight decline from the previous year. The numbers of learners choosing to progress, shows the impact the college is having on the lives of young people and the benefits to the local and regional economy.