Labour Leader Sir Keir Starmer and Deputy Leader Angela Rayner make their first visit to the Black Country and Marches Institute of Technology (BCMIoT)


Today, the Black Country and Marches Institute of Technology (BCMIoT) was host to Sir Keir Starmer, KCB KC Labour Leader,  and Angela Rayner Deputy Leader as they visited the West Midlands to endorse the candidature of Richard Parker for West Midlands Mayor.

Taking time to talk to students at the BCMIoT, Sir Keir, spoke about his hopes for the 2nd May Mayoral elections and for the forthcoming general election. During his speech he outlined five national missions including higher growth by boosting investment in infrastructure, and a new plan for boosting technical excellence colleges.

Alongside Sir Keir, Angela Rayner spoke about her own aspirations for the region in terms of revitalising the manufacturing sector, to deliver greater prosperity.

During the visit to the Institute of Technology the theme of skills was a recurrent one, with Labour pledging to invest heavily in adult skills that would support those out of work re-enter the workplace. And acknowledging a mental health crisis amongst young people there was also a pledge to provide more mental health support in schools, to give young people the best start in life.

Commenting on the visit Susanne Davies the Managing Director of the Black Country and Marches Institute of Technology said:

“It was fantastic to provide the opportunity for our learners to talk to Sir Keir and share with him their own stories about aspiration and achievement.  The Institute of Technology provides education and training in engineering, manufacturing and medical engineering and healthcare, all critical sectors to the West Midlands economy, so I was delighted that the importance of skills was at the forefront of today’s event.

Emmanuel Aboyomi-Daniel (aged 17) a Level 3 Modern Methods of Construction student , who spoke to Sir Keir said:

“He seemed like a nice bloke, who showed an interest in what I had been studying during the year. We spoke about what it is like living in Dudley and he wished me well for my future plan of pursuing a career in construction design .

Rhiya Tahir (aged 16) who is studying for a T level in Surveying and design said:

“Today was a great opportunity as I realise, he may become the next Prime Minister. I was happy to tell him about how great it has been studying here and how I hope to use my qualification in the future to gain a Higher Apprenticeship and possibly work with a construction firm in Spain.

The Black Country and Marches Institute of Technology is one of 21 Institutes of Technology,  located across England in a national network of education providers, leading employers and Higher Education Institutes, who are designed to meet the nation’s evolving educational and skills needs. They offer a range of qualifications, including higher apprenticeships, higher technical qualifications, degrees, and T levels. Qualifications are at level 3, 4 and 5, are delivered flexibly, both in and out of the workplace.

To find out more about the Black Country and Marches Institute of Technology visit : The Institute of Technology (
